2014 conference schedule

2014 Pre-Conference Workshops

Thursday, September 4, 2014, Koʻolau Ballrooms, Kāneʻohe

A. Making evaluations more useful through engagement: Strategies for Interactive Practice (Session 1)

Presenter: Jean A. King

9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Thursday, September 4, 2014 (lunch provided, 12:00 pm, Honey's at Ko'olau restaurant)

In its many forms, evaluation practice requires evaluators to be skilled facilitators of interpersonal interactions. Whether they are completely in charge, working collaboratively with program staff, or coaching individuals conducting their own study, evaluators need to interact with people throughout the course of an evaluation. This workshop will provide practical frameworks and strategies for analyzing and extending people’s own practice. Through presentation, demonstration, discussion, reflection, and case study, participants will consider and experience strategies to enhance involvement and foster positive interaction in evaluation practice—ultimately helping to make evaluations more useful to those who take part.

In the morning session, participants will learn:

  • Three frameworks that underpin interactive evaluation practice (IEP)
  • Rationales for engaging clients/stakeholders in various evaluation tasks
  • Interactive strategies to facilitate meaningful involvement, including voicing variables, cooperative interviews, making metaphors, jigsaw, cooperative rank order, and others


Jean King is a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development at the University of Minnesota where she serves as Director of the Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute (MESI). She moved to the University of Minnesota in 1989 as the founding director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) in the College of Education and Human Development, a position she held for four years before working collaboratively to revitalize program evaluation instruction in the College. A sought-after presenter and long-time writer on evaluation topics, she is the author of numerous articles, chapters, and reviews. Her most recent book, Interactive Evaluation Practice (with Laurie Stevahn), was published in 2013. Professor King has received several awards for her work, including the Myrdal Award for Evaluation Practice and the Ingle Award for Extraordinary Service from the American Evaluation Association, three teaching awards, and three community service awards. From 2012 to 2014 she served on the research and evaluation team for the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.


B. Making evaluations more useful through engagement: Strategies for Interactive Practice (Session 2)

Presenter: Jean A. King

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Thursday, September 4, 2014 (lunch provided, 12:00 pm, Honey's at Ko'olau restaurant)

This is part 2 of Dr. King's morning workshop. **Attendees must also attend Dr. King's morning session**

In the afternoon session, participants will learn:

  • Additional interactive strategies to facilitate meaningful involvement: graffiti/carousel, concept formation, and data dialogue (in comparison to cooperative interviews)
  • Strategy review and case applications useful in participants’ own evaluation contexts
  • Reflection on how to personally apply interactive evaluation practice strategies


C. "After we're gone" -- Designing evaluations that get used

Presenter: Tom Kelly

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Thursday, September 4, 2014 (lunch provided, 12:00 pm, Honey's at Ko'olau restaurant)


  • Participants understand a framework of evaluation use and uses
  • Participants can define and plan for specific intentional uses of their evaluations
  • Participants can modify their evaluation designs and reports to increase the use of findings

“Utilization-focused evaluation begins with the premise that evaluations should be judged by their utility and actual use” (Michael Quinn Patton, 2008)

Patton defined evaluation intended use by intended users in his 1978 first edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation which helped prompt the field to plan for and design evaluations with ultimate uses and users in mind. Often, however, evaluators are faced with limited time and resources to address all potential concerns and stakeholders. Also, as evaluators we do not always get the opportunity to engage with our clients after we are gone and the report is finished. This session will focus on building the skills of evaluators (including evaluation planners, funders, and end users) to define and plan for specific types and expectations of use and determine the best methods and approaches to ensuring the evaluation can deliver and communicate findings in ways that increase the likelihood of stakeholders (clients, funders, evaluands) using and applying the findings. Evaluation use starts at the beginning of the evaluation and not when the final report is delivered. Participants will work in large and small groups and should bring examples from their current or past work. (Examples will be available for students and others).


  • Introduction and objectives
  • Defining and assessing “use”
  • Past and present experiences: Biggest challenges/most satisfying successes
  • Are they (and we) ready, willing and able to use evaluation findings?
  • Addressing use in design and methods
  • Promoting use during implementation
  • Planning for (and avoiding) misuse
  • Communicating findings that promote use
  • Evaluator self-assessment: What are my strengths and weaknesses in promoting use?

Thomas Kelly, Jr.
Vice President for Knowledge, Evaluation & Learning, Hawaiʻi Community Foundation

Tom Kelly joined the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation in December 2012 as vice president for knowledge, evaluation and learning after 13 years managing evaluations at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore. His work includes the building of internal and grantee evaluation and knowledge-building capacity, evaluation of policy advocacy and community capacity, and foundation performance and results measurement. He also led the evaluation of Casey’s 12-year, 10-city community change initiative Making Connections. Tom is a board member of Grantmakers for Effective Organizations and the Dr. Barbara J. Sugland Foundation and is a graduate of Harvard College and The George Washington University.





updated 07/16/2014