Article I: Name
The name of this organization is Hawai‘i-Pacific Evaluation Association (H-PEA),
hereafter referred to as the Association.
Article II: Purpose
Section 1. Purposes. H-PEA is organized exclusively for educational purposes. Specifically, its
purpose is to improve the quality of evaluation research, theory, and practice in Hawai‘i and the
U.S. Affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions by creating forums for dialogue, relationship-building,
learning, and collaboration.
The H-PEA:
● Engages the knowledge and experience of the cultural and ethnic groups in the Pacific
region to promote the conduct of evaluation research and practice that is respectful of
and responsive to different ways of knowing, values, beliefs, and behavior.
● Nurtures and upholds standards of ethical conduct.
● Continues to formulate standards and ethical recommendations regarding practice.
● Increases the pool of well-trained and culturally-responsive evaluators through
dialogue, conferences, continuous training and education, and mentoring relationships
to build professional capacity.
● Seeks to help build professional capacity in research and practice through
training, additional resources, observation and practice.
● Increases awareness of and educates potential commissioners and users about evaluation
services and best practices.
Article III: Organizational Status
H-PEA is recognized as an official affiliate association of the American Evaluation Association.
Article IV: Membership
Section 1. Eligibility. Any individuals interested in the purposes of the Association shall be
eligible for membership. Members are defined as those who have completed an application
form, received acknowledgment of membership from the Association, and paid the currently
stipulated membership dues.
Section 2. Application for Membership. An individual desiring to join this Association may ask
for consideration by submitting an application form or may become a member as part of paying
the Annual Meeting fee.
Section 3. Membership is twelve (12) months based on the member’s anniversary date.
Initially approved May 6, 2011 Revised and approved October 2022
Section 4. Rights. All members shall have the right to vote for the Board of Directors,
officers, and on other official matters of the Association defined in the Bylaws. Members
may be nominated and run for open positions on the Board of Directors and run for office.
Members receive all notifications pertaining to the official business of the Association and
receive membership publications.
Section 5. Dues. The annual membership dues and assessments shall be determined by
the Board of Directors.
Article V: Annual Meeting
Section 1. Place and Time. Annual Meetings of the membership shall be held at a time and
place (or online) designated by the Board of Directors. At least one annual business meeting
shall be held within each calendar year.
Section 2. Notice of Meetings. At least thirty (30) days in advance thereof the Association
shall notify each member of the business meeting.
Section 3. Annual Meeting Format. The annual meeting shall be a business meeting and
may include a professional component. The business meeting activities shall include but are
not limited to: A report of the status of the Association by the President, a financial report
by the Treasurer, status reports from committees, and items of new business invited from the
Section 4. Quorum. Those members present at the business meetings of the membership
shall constitute the quorum.
Section 5. Voting. Each member present shall have one vote in business meetings. Only advisory
votes shall be permitted on any business raised at the Annual Meeting. Should any proposal be
made that would be binding in any way on the Association, an advisory vote shall be taken and
the results forwarded to the Executive Committee for further action.
Article VI. Board of Directors
Section 1. Management. The Board of Directors shall have the responsibility for the general
management of the Association. Included among such responsibilities shall be
1. Establishing and modifying the Association’s mission and vision;
2. Approving all Association policies;
3. Approving and implementing the Association’s strategic plan;
4. Approving the budget and any revisions thereto:
5. Setting dues for membership;
6. Appointing committees and their members;
7. Ensuring compliance with State, Federal, and IRS regulations regarding nonprofit
corporations; and
8. Periodically reviewing the effectiveness of the Association and its services.
Section 2. Number and Terms. The Board shall consist of eight (8) to ten (10) members.
Initially approved May 6, 2011 Revised and approved October 2022
A. Four of the Board members shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and
B. The Past President serves as a voting, ex-officio Board member.
C. The remaining three to five Board members shall be elected by the membership to serve
staggered two-year terms.
D. In the event of a non-officer Board member vacancy due to a resignation or removal, the
Board may appoint a person to serve the remainder of the term of the vacated Board seat.
E. Board members shall be eligible to serve no more than three consecutive two-year terms.
Section 3. Election. The Board of Directors and officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting
or by electronic ballot. The Membership, Nominations, and Elections Committee shall present a
slate of at least one candidate for each office and Board seat to be filled, and the Board of
Directors approves the slate. This list of candidates shall be sent to all members of the
Association before the Annual Meeting. The plurality vote of the members present shall
constitute an election.
Section 4. Meetings. The Board shall meet annually at the Annual Meeting and shall meet in
person/electronically at least eight times each year. Members of the association in good standing
may attend.
Section 5. Quorum. A majority of the Board members shall constitute quorum.
Article VI: Officers
Section 1. Composition. The elected officers of the Association shall be:
Secretary; and
Section 2. Eligibility. Any member of the Association, except a member of the subcommittee on
elections (part of the Membership, Nominations, and Elections Committee), shall be eligible to
be nominated for and elected to become an officer.
Section 3. Term of Office. Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. Officers may serve
up to 3 consecutive years in the same position.
Section 5. Filling of Officer Vacancies. A vacancy in the President’s position shall be filled by
the Vice President upon notice of the vacancy to the Executive Committee. A vacancy in any
elective office, except that of President, shall be filled by a Board member.
Section 6. Duties of Officers.
A. The President shall:
a. Preside over all meetings of the Association;
b. Appoint all Standing and Special Committee Chairs;
c. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Subcommittee
Initially approved May 6, 2011 Revised and approved October 2022
(Memberships, Nominations and Elections Committee);
d. Represent the Association at H-PEA meetings or appoint such representative;
e. Represent the Association at AEA meetings or shall appoint such a representative; and
f. Serve as immediate Past President on the Executive Committee, for one year.
B. The Vice-President shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of that officer and whenever directed
by the President; and
b. Assist in organizing and planning the Annual Meeting (i.e., the annual conference).
C. The Secretary shall:
a. Record the proceedings of the Association;
b. Keep the records of Bylaws and subsequent amendments; and
c. Handle all the general correspondence of the Association, as directed by the President
and the members.
D. The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect dues and any other funds to be received by the Association;
b. Report at general membership meetings and prepare an annual/fiscal year report;
c. Transact the general business of the Association in the interim between meetings; and
d. Disburse funds and pay bills as directed by the Executive Committee in accordance with
the provision of the Bylaws or policies of the Board of Directors.
E. The outgoing officers shall deliver to their successors all books and materials of their
respective offices within 30 days of departing the office.
Article VII: Fiscal Management
Article VIII: CommitteesSection 1. Fiscal Year. Unless otherwise specified, the fiscal year of the Association shall begin
on the first day of July of every year.
Section 2. Books and Accounts. Books and accounts of the Association shall be kept under
the direction of the Treasurer of the Association.
Section 3. Financial Signatories. For all bank accounts established for the Association,
there must be at least two signatories, the Treasurer and at least one other officer, or the
duly authorized agent.
Section 1. Executive Committee. The President, Past President, Secretary, Vice President, and
Treasurer compose the Executive Committee, which conducts the day-to-day business of the
Association and oversees the budget.
Section 2. Standing Committees. Members in good standing are eligible to serve on
A. Conference Committee. The Conference Committee will be chaired by a
Initially approved May 6, 2011 Revised and approved October 2022
Board member.
B. Professional Development Committee
C. Membership, Nominations and Elections Committee
D. Ad Hoc Committees or Task Forces. The President may appoint such ad
hoc committees/task forces as may be required for effective conduct of the
business and mission of the Association.
Article IX: Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of H-PEA, assets shall be distributed to the Hawai‘i Educational Research
Association (HERA), if it is exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or
corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Then to the American Evaluation
Association (AEA), if it is exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or
corresponding section of any future federal tax code. If HERA or AEA are not exempt, assets
shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall
be distributed to the local government for a public purpose.
Article X: Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended with a minimum of 20% of members voting and upon
affirmation of two-thirds (2/3) of those voting on the proposed change. Amendments may be
proposed by the Board of Directors and shall be submitted to the entire membership for vote.
Contact UsHawai'i-Pacific Evaluation Association P.O. Box 283232, Honolulu, HI 96828 H-PEA is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. |