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Hawai'i - Pacific Evaluation Association

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2015 Summer Workshops

1. Finding, Interrogating & Sharing Voice: Qualitative Research Methodologies & Analytic Tools for Evaluators


Qualitative data breathes life into our research by centering the voices of our participants. But how do we approach collecting and analyzing qualitative data in evaluation contexts? In this workshop, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about qualitative methodologies, engage in discussions on utilizing qualitative data in evaluation with colleagues from multiple fields, and apply your knowledge and skills to real qualitative data sets in a team-oriented setting.

Date: Friday, July 17, 2015
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: Kalia 201, Kapi'olani Community College (campus map)

Open to and free for H-PEA members. To become a member, complete the online registration form ($30, $15 student). You may also become a member at the door (pay by check or online via Paypal).


Erin Kahunawaikaʻala Wright is from Kalihi, Oʻahu where she still resides. She serves as an assistant professor of Educational Administration at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa's College of Education. Her research interests focus on Native Hawaiian and Indigenous student success in higher education.

Nalani Balutski
is from Kahaluʻu, Oahu, and is a Research & Assessment specialist faculty member at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM). She is the Principal Investigator for several federal grants that support Native Hawaiian higher educational access and success. Nalani is an Educational Administration doctoral student at UHM and previously served on the H-PEA board.

2. Qualitative Content Analysis using Microsoft Access


Content analysis stands at the intersection of qualitative and quantitative methods. It begins with qualitative data but codes the data for both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The workshop will use a method I have developed to code and manage data for qualitative content analysis using Microsoft Access, which is readily available in the pro versions of Microsoft Office for the PC. With this method you code the data from its original source INTO the database, as opposed to dedicated qualitative software in which you code ON data that is already in digital form. My method can be used with text or visual data, in any language that Microsoft can input and read. In the three sessions of this workshop you will learn how to make an Access database and data collection form that exactly fit the needs of your project, and you will do some initial coding. You will also learn to use Access queries for data cleaning and qualitative data analysis, and to export quantitative data from Access to Excel or SPSS. The workshop will be hands-on, using your own project data.


  • Prior background in Microsoft Access not required.
  • Bring a laptop with Microsoft Office Access already installed.
  • Bring a USB flash drive to save the Access database after every work session.
  • Bring real data to work with, preferably qualitative or partly qualitative data. This could be open-ended responses on a questionnaire, interviews, focus group transcripts, observation reports, video clips of some activity, or secondary data such as newspaper or magazine articles, weblogs, or other web-based materials. You can bring the printed responses or printed materials: the data do not need to be digital and in the computer. If it is particular open-ended questions from a survey, you will need to know those questions. If the data are already in digital form and are in relatively small chunks, participants will learn to copy those chunks right into the Access database and code basic things to get the database started. Participants will create the Access database starting with Excel, so the data could be in the form of an Excel file.

Dates: Friday, July 31, August 7, and August 14, 2015 (this workshop consists of three two-hour sessions)
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: Kalia 201, Kapi'olani Community College (campus map)

Open to and free for H-PEA members. To become a member, complete the online registration form ($30, $15 student). You may also become a member at the door (pay by check or online via Paypal).


Dr. Patricia Steinhoff is Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She is a Japan specialist, speaks and reads Japanese, and conducts research on Japanese society or Japanese Studies in the United States. Dr. Steinhoff's research involves the use of MS Access and she teaches a graduate course on qualitative content analysis using Access.

Contact Us

Hawai'i-Pacific Evaluation Association

P.O. Box 283232, Honolulu, HI 96828

H-PEA is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.

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