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Hawai'i - Pacific Evaluation Association

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Conference Archive: 

H-PEA 2020 Online Conference

Conference Attendees - Click Here for Help

Conference Program (Overview, Hawai'i Standard Time)

H-PEA Members: Log in to view recorded sessions (in the Member Only Content section).

Conference Fee Waiver is available for those with financial hardship.


Monday, October 12 - Friday, October 16

8:30am to 12:30am

  • Sessions will be offered between 8:30am - 12:30am each day of the conference. 
  • Sessions will be recorded and available to conference attendees within 60 days of the conference.

 Registration fee = $30

  • The registration fee includes H-PEA membership
  • Conference fee waiver application is available for those with financial hardship.  

 Important Dates

  • September 10: Student scholarship application deadline
  • October 8: Registration deadline


  • 90-minute invited workshop on Monday, 10/12/2020: Evaluation Boot Camp: Introduction to Program Evaluation for Program Directors/Managers (Sena Sanjines)
  • Twenty-seven short, skill-building workshops and roundtables will be embedded into the main conference. Attendees can choose their learning path following four tracks: Context, Methodology, Professional Practice, and Planning and Management   

CREA-Hawaiʻi Strand


2020 marks the second year H-PEA will be hosting a dedicated CREA-HI strand at the annual conference. CREA-HI is the local affiliate of the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment. This year’s strand includes 3 sessions: Introduction to Kūkulu Kumuhana and the Aloha Framework, Application of Kūkulu Kumuhana and the Aloha Framework for Evaluation, and Aloha as a Disruptive and Humbling Force on Evaluators’ Journeys toward Justice and Equity. See the full conference program for more information about these sessions and for more information about the local affiliate and its work.

Opening Keynote

2021-2030: Mapping Hawai‘i’s Evaluation Future 

Keynote Speaker: Tom Kelly

Tom Kelly joined the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation in 2012 as vice president for knowledge, evaluation and learning after 13 years managing evaluations at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland.  His work in evaluation began in 1990 and includes the building of evaluation and knowledge-building capacity, evaluation of policy advocacy and community capacity, and foundation performance and results measurement.  At Hawai‘i Community Foundation he is focused on the use of evaluation and knowledge to increase nonprofit and philanthropy effectiveness and on strategic planning for the foundation. Tom is a member of the board of directors of American Evaluation Association (2020-2022) and is a graduate of Harvard College and The George Washington University.

Closing Panel

Aloha as a Disruptive and Humbling Force on Evaluators’ Journeys toward Justice and Equity