H-PEA 2017 Conference Workshops
Developmental Evaluation
Michael Quinn Patton
Thursday, September 21st, 9am-12pm
Developmental evaluation provides evaluative information and feedback to social innovators, and their funders and supporters, to inform adaptive development of change initiatives in complex dynamic environments. Developmental evaluation brings innovation and adaptation the processes of asking evaluative questions, applying evaluation logic, and gathering and reporting evaluative data, to inform and support the development of innovative projects, programs, initiatives, products, organizations, and/or systems change efforts with timely feedback.
Participants will learn:
Principles-focused Evaluation
Michael Quinn Patton
Thursday, September 21st, 1pm-4pm
Evidence about program effectiveness involves systematically gathering and carefully analyzing data about the extent to which observed outcomes can be attributed to a program’s interventions. It is useful to distinguish three types of evidence-based conclusions:
Participants will learn:
Michael Quinn Patton
Former President of the American Evaluation Association; recipient of both the Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Award from the Evaluation Research Society for "outstanding contributions to evaluation use and practice" and the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award for lifetime contributions to evaluation theory from the American Evaluation Association. Author of eight evaluation books including 4th editions of Utilization-Focused Evaluation (2008) and Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods (2015), books have been used in over 500 universities worldwide.
Questions about this workshop may be addressed to mqpatton@prodigy.net.
Quasi-experimental Designs: When Experimental Designs Are Not Good Enough
John P. Barile
Thursday, September 21st, 9am-12pm
Evaluators often pursue experimental designs due to perceived superiority but these approaches are often inappropriate and can result in misleading conclusions. This workshop will provide an overview of quasi-experimental techniques, provide examples of when each technique is most appropriate, and provide a tutorial on how to conduct propensity score matching for the purposes of program evaluation.
Propensity score matching a specific approach to conducting a quasi-experimental evaluation. Propensity score matching is used to create pairings between individuals, classrooms, communities that received an intervention to individuals, classrooms or communities that did not receive an intervention. Propensity score matching techniques utilize data regarding why individuals self-select into a program in order to match them to statistically similar individuals who did not receive the program. This workshop will show how one-to-one and full matching (matching on more than one case) can be conducted using SPSS and R statistical packages.
Participants will:
John (Jack) P. Barile
Jack Barile is an assistant professor at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in the Department of Psychology. Jack's research concerns ecological determinants of health-related quality of life and program evaluation. This line of research includes the study of individual and neighborhood-level factors associated with social disadvantage and well-being. Prior to coming to UH Mānoa, Jack served as research fellow at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Social Action Evaluation Using Photography: From Needs Assessment and Program Development to Implementation and Evaluation
Anna Smith Pruitt and Joy Agner
Thursday, September 21st, 1pm-4pm
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” so goes the old adage. Able to convey complex notions in a succinct form, photos can be powerful and persuasive tools. Photovoice, a participatory research methodology, uses photography, critical analysis, and group discussion to capture the perspectives and experiences of marginalized people in an effort to give voice to underserved communities and populations. Participants become active researchers at each stage of the research process, providing insight through their analysis of their photos and assisting in the dissemination of findings. This method is especially useful when evaluating programs that work with marginalized groups, youth, and indigenous populations. By giving program participants and stakeholders a voice in the evaluation, Photovoice can lead to more accurate accounts of people’s experiences with the program, resulting in richer and more valuable data. Although particularly beneficial when conducting evaluations for programs with marginalized groups, Photovoice also can be useful when engaging various stakeholders at different stages of evaluation – from engagement, needs assessment, and program implementation to process and outcome evaluations. This workshop will provide hands-on instruction for using Photovoice in various evaluation projects, with an emphasis on the ultimate goal of Photovoice: to achieve social action through the dissemination of the results.
Participants will:
Participants are encouraged to bring a picture answering the question:
“What does evaluation look like for me/my organization?”
Format: Interactive with hands-on training in Photovoice
Target audience: Beginners to Intermediate
Anna Smith Pruitt
Anna Smith Pruitt is a doctoral candidate in the Community & Cultural Psychology program at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Her research focuses on the ways in which individuals and communities impact and are impacted by environmental and contextual factors (including historical, cultural, and social factors). By taking an ecological and feminist intersectional approach, her research attempts to quantify and explain the ways in which individual and contextual factors interact to impact community and individual health and quality of life. In particular, her research interests include university-community partnerships, developing methodologies that capture context, innovative qualitative methods (e.g., PhotoVOICE), and the interaction between research, evaluation, and social policy. Her research has practical application with an ultimate goal of social justice and equitable distribution of resources.